Timor Leste Urged to Open Kupang-Dili-Darwin Shipping Route

Timor Leste Urged to Open Kupang-Dili-Darwin Shipping Route

Jakarta: Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) urged the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste to boost sea lane connectivity by opening a shipping route between Kupang, Dili, and Darwin.
President Jokowi made this request in a press statement on the state visit of President of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, José Ramos-Horta, and his delegation to the Bogor Presidential Palace, West Java, Tuesday.
“For sea connectivity, I see the importance of opening the Kupang-Dili-Darwin shipping route,” President Jokowi noted in a press statement as witnessed virtually via the Presidential Secretariat’s YouTube account.

Timor Leste Urged to Open Kupang-Dili-Darwin Shipping Route

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President Jokowi revealed that the two countries agreed to improve both land and sea connectivity.
Jokowi expressed hope that the Kupang-Dili bus route would be launched soon to improve land connectivity.
The cooperation on land connectivity was strengthened with the inking of a memorandum of understanding on cross-border bus movement by Indonesian Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi and Minister of Transport and Communications of Timor-Leste José Agustinho da Silva.
During a bilateral meeting between Indonesia and Timor-Leste, President Jokowi said that strengthening economic cooperation was the focus of discussion between the two parties.
In addition to connectivity, Indonesia and Timor-Leste agreed to boost trade between the two countries.
“By looking at the trend in the development of trade relations that continues to be positive, I believe that trade between the two countries can continue to be increased,” President Jokowi affirmed.
Jokowi also invited SOEs and Indonesian companies to partake in development in Timor-Leste, including in the infrastructure sector.
Currently, the value of Indonesia’s investment in Timor-Leste reaches US$818 million, with the main sectors being banking, oil and gas, and telecommunications.
The four memoranda of understanding signed between the two countries pertained to cooperation in agriculture, bus cross-border movement, standardization and metrology, as well as technical cooperation in the trade sector.
President Ramos-Horta arrived at the Bogor Presidential Palace at around 9:54 a.m. local time. He was greeted with a series of official state welcoming ceremonies.
Marching band troops, cavalry, and troops wearing traditional Indonesian attire escorted the arrival of Ramos-Horta at the Bogor Palace.
President Jokowi then greeted President Ramos-Horta in the courtyard of the Bogor Presidential Palace.
During a series of activities for receiving state guests, President Jokowi also invited President Ramos-Horta to plant trees.
Currently, the two state leaders were still engaged in informal conversations on the back porch of the Bogor Presidential Palace.
President Ramos-Horta is planning to stay in Indonesia for eight days. Before arriving at the Bogor Presidential Palace, the Timor-Leste president and his entourage first visited the Kalibata Heroes Cemetery to lay a wreath honoring the fallen soldiers. 


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